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Home - RealTime Solutions

RealTime is a Staffing/Consulting firm focused on increasing client value through strategy, human capital and execution.

The RealTime Integrated Value Equation (IVE)

Experience, knowledge and a strong ability to communicate and understand todays technical candidates’ needs, equals results for our clients!


We don’t just understand the technical buzzwords, but how your company utilizes the technology and why candidates will want to work for you! A truly collaborative process!

Human Capital

Your technical team is the lifeline of your company’s product and service delivery. We value each candidate like you value your top employees.


The candidates you will hire are not on job boards, but understand where true opportunities exist. We understand how to communicate to them and get them to a career decision. 


Team Experience Runs Deep

Technical architecture understanding, true client development, and candidate control you can depend on.

Client Information Intake

This is a critical step to truly understand your needs, your environment and why your candidate will want to accept your offer.

Accurate Data

From what we communicate to candidates about your company to candidate submittals, you can expect all information to be accurate!

Finding Qualified Candidates

This is not a part of the process you can automate. It takes extreme focus and the ability to decipher the profiles you are reading.

Manage The Process

You can be assured will never drop the ball. We are very thorough and set expectations properly!

Ability To Close

Your time investment in the interview process will result in game changing hires for the success of your company!


Let’s discuss your talent needs.



In an era of non-responsiveness, we change the narrative!


Value is defined through accurate information. We are not here to make a quick buck, but to develop partnerships!


This is a very detailed process, from understanding our clients business, to interviewing each candidate in depth. The proof is in the details!


This is a collaborative business arrangement, our clients and candidates can tell we are different!